RAdiofrequency in bonney lake
forma i radiofrequency
Forma-i is a non-invasiveradiofrequency treatmentto address dry eye symptomscaused byMeibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD).A small and precise applicator delivers gentle heat to thedelicate eye area, therebytargetingthe underlying causes of meibomian gland dysfunction,such as gland blockages,and promoting improved blood circulation and gland function.Radiofrequency thermal energy also promotes a process called neocollagensis, or the growthand repair of collagen. This helps rebuild and repair the meibomian glands,andresults insmoother, tighter, and more youthful-looking skin.By stimulating gland activity and secretion,Forma-iradiofrequency treatment can help alleviate dry eye symptoms, including discomfort, blurred vision, and irritation, and improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and bags.
Forma-I bipolar radiofrequency uses heat energy to melt the thickened oil in the meibomian glands and improve their function. The treatment is also thought to reduce inflammation and promote collagen production in the eyelids.
Forma-I bipolar radiofrequency is a safe and effective treatment for dry eye disease. It is typically performed in the office and takes about 15-20 minutes. Most people need 3-4 treatments spaced 2-4 weeks apart to achieve the best results.
Benefits of Forma-I Bipolar Radiofrequency for Dry Eye Disease
Reduced dry eye symptoms, such as burning, itching, redness, and blurred vision
Improved tear quality
Improved meibomian gland function
Reduced inflammation
Bonus aesthetic benefits including reduced wrinkles, crow’s feet and fine lines and tightened skin
Who is a Good Candidate for Forma-I Bipolar Radiofrequency for Dry Eye Disease?
Forma-I bipolar radiofrequency is a good option for people with all types of dry eye, including evaporative dry eye and aqueous tear deficient dry eye. It is also a good option for people who cannot tolerate eye drops or who have not had success with other dry eye treatments.
What to Expect During a Forma-I Bipolar Radiofrequency Treatment
During a Forma-I bipolar radiofrequency treatment, your eyes will be protected with special goggles and your eyelids will be cleaned. A small handpiece will then be used to deliver radiofrequency energy to your eyelids. The treatment is typically pain-free, but you may feel a slight warming sensation.
After a Forma-I Bipolar Radiofrequency Treatment
After a Forma-I bipolar radiofrequency treatment, you may experience some mild redness and swelling of the eyelids. This should resolve within a few hours. You can return to your normal activities immediately after your treatment.
Forma-I bipolar radiofrequency is a safe and effective treatment for dry eye disease. If you are struggling with dry eyes, schedule a consult with our providers to see if Forma-I bipolar radiofrequency is right for you.